Princess Ocansey’s Royal Ghanada Kente Collection

This Kente Collection was inspired by the Princess’s desire to keep the master rural weavers of Agotime from leaving this valuable skill of weaving to migrate to take up cleaning jobs abroad!

The Princess made a deal with the weavers that if she is able to market the Kente, that the master weavers would consider training women also, as part of her sosjobs4women campaign to create decent jobs for our rural women to stay in Ghana to work.

As founder of the Royal Ghanada Initiative of the Nekotech Center for Peace and Development, Princess Ocansey, a renowned Philanthropist, a voice for the rural voiceless, is devoted to her “hand up and not hand out” philosophy.

Princess Ocansey, a product of Wesley Girls High School- Ghana, a graduate of CICA University and Seminary of Canada and Rutgers University College of Engineering of the USA, has spent over three decades building bridges of love, friendship, career enhancement, technology and trade between the USA, Ghana and Canada.

As Ghana and Canada share July 1 as Republic and Canada Day, respectively, Princess Ocansey founded Royal Ghanada to bring Canadians and Ghanaians together under a theme of mutual respect and interdepence she named: Royal Ghanada: Sweeter Together.

Please join the efforts of Princess Ocansey and make the Royal Ghanada Kente your preferred kente for 2018 graduation, your choice gift – personal and corporate- for all occasions.

Part of the proceeds of this beautifully packaged Kente will go towards training the women of Agotime as master weavers – while keeping both men and women gainfully employed! Gift pack: Gh100.
